彈簧拉力測試機,彈簧拉力試驗機/拉力機,硬度計交付到昆山市渝楷五金彈簧有限公司 彈簧拉力測試機,彈簧拉力試驗機/拉力機主要用于測試,彈簧的彈性模量,彈性系數,定變形取力量,取彈簧多點伸長或壓縮位移的力量,可任意取力量時的位移或取任意位移時的力量。
洛式硬度計主要測試材料的硬度值。 昆山市渝楷五金彈簧有限公司于2004年在昆山正式設立,公司位于江蘇省昆山市巴城鎮京阪路1399號,投資總額500萬美元,專業從事集精密五金彈簧、彈片的開發、設計及制造。 昆山市渝楷五金彈簧有限公司所承制的產品有壓簧、拉簧、扭簧、彈片、電池簧、金屬鋼線成型等各種彈簧。線徑從0.08至6.00范圍內,自2004年公司開始從事各種沖壓制品、端子等設計、制造,料厚從0.01mm至4.0mm范圍。我公司產品適用于照相機、手機、復印機、電腦、家用電器、計算器、辦公用品、玩具、汽車配件及扣帶等產品。 公司創設立以來嚴格執行ISO9001管理體系,信守對客戶的品質承諾,以達成對產品品質保證的z高目標—零缺點的追求。同時,依靠先進的技術設備與可煌人嚴謹的工作態度,使公司在同行業中影響力不斷擴大,知名度不斷提高,深得客戶的厚愛與支持。全球知名電子廠商英業達集團、奐鑫集團、美蓓亞集團、達方電子、歐瑞康集團、蔡司顯微鏡成像、安順商業帶扣、凱斯庫汽車部等都是可煌的主要客戶。 面對新世紀的機遇和挑戰,渝楷公司將秉持立足中國,放眼天下,永績經營,貫徹--好要更好,廣要更廣,精要更精的經營策略。在今后的歲月中,渝楷人將以更高的企業品質回饋各界朋友的支持與厚愛。并期待您時刻關注我們的企業與產品。
Kunshan Yu Kai Spring Metal Co.Ltd was founded in 2001, located at No.1399,Jingban Road,Bacheng town,Kunshan City,Jiangsu Province.It’s professionally developing,Total invstedcapital is USD 5 million,designning and producting all kinds of spring and hard wares product. Our main products includes compression spring, extension spring, torsion spring, spring patch, battery spring, metal steel thread molding, artificial thread molding and metal thread products. Diameter varies from 0.08 to 6.0mm. Our products apply for camera, mobile phone, copy machine, computer, home electric appliances, office equipment and toys etc. We strictly followed ISO9001 management system since the first day of company, keep our promise of quality according to < quality handbook> and keep our goal as zero shortage which is our highest standard of quality guarantee. Our reputation which is based on advanced technique, equipment and precise working attitude of Yu Kai members is getting known widely between customers. We are supplier of inventel、DBTEL Alcatel,Mikron, and DARFON Electronics. We will persist in developing word-wide market based on China, stable and agelong management and carry through our management strategy: better, wider, more delicacy and cheaper. Our Yu Kai members will repay our all kinds of freiends’support with higher company quality and looking forward to your kind attention of our company as well as out products.